Application 2

Mechanisms for Educational Support for Low to Medium Autistic Students The school education age is parallel to that of normal students in the same age group.
Parallel classrooms for people with autism in general schools in the community is a formal educational management system for people with low-medium potential autism or non-speaking groups from early childhood (kindergarten) to basic education ( 12 grades) within a normal person’s environment at the same age level and in the community where the autistic person is domiciled. It is an educational management system that integrates medical physical therapy and educational teaching activities into one body. which is an activity that can build and build on all necessary skills To live in normal society from the base of the potential of each person with autism individually. Such activities for each individual autistic individual should be included in the autistic individual parallel curriculum structure.
Therefore, the autism-specific parallel curriculum is a specific curriculum. For low to medium potential autistic individuals, each person is individualized according to the structure of the curriculum. It is based on the core curriculum and integrates special needs medical physical therapy activities for people with autism into educational activities. After passing this course, autistic people can live happily in society with other people. From the family level society Schools and/or educational institutes, skill training centers community to the national and global levels in hierarchy
In summary, “Parallel classroom for people with autism” means a classroom for low and medium potential autistic students In education, the general student curriculum cannot be used to manage education more than 50 percent of the content of the entire curriculum in the same age group. Therefore, a separate curriculum must be developed that responds to and corresponds to the learning potential of this group of autistic students by requiring 1 parallel classroom for autistic individuals. There are 1-3 autistic students per 2 classroom/classroom teacher personnel.

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